HFZ20V-200P 200A DC contactor

HFZ20V-200P polarity series DC relay has a rated switching current of 200A, no polarity requirement for coil, and polarity for contact load. It is encapsulated with epoxy resin and is suitable for explosive or hazardous environments to prevent oxidation contamination of coil and contacts. It is small in size and light in weight, suitable for applications such as pre-charging.

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Contact arrangement 1SH
Contact resistance 3m max.(typ.1m)(6VDC,20A)
NominaI current 200A
Rated Ioad VoItage 12~200VDC
Max. breaking current 2000A 200VDC (more than 1 time)
Max.switching power 400kw
Min. Ioad of main contact 1A 12VDC
Min. IoadofauxiIiary contact 8V 100mA
Standard continuous charged current 200A(95mm2)
Short time

oVerIoad current

250A 30min (95mm2  ) 300A 5min (95mm2  ) 400A 20s (95mm2  )
MechanicaI endurance 2x105OPS
EIectricaI endurance 1 x 104OPS (150A 450VDC) ResistiVe Ioad,23℃,1s on 9s off