Feature of Megger MIT515 Insulation Resistance Tester
- Industry best guard terminal accuracy
- Compact and lightweight
- PI, DAR, DD, SV and ramp test
- Dual case design provides additional user protection
- Lithium-ion battery: extended capacity, rapid charge
- Advanced memory with time/date stamp
- CATIV 600V safety rating on all terminals
Specification of Megger MIT515 Insulation Resistance Tester
Voltage input range: 85-265 V rms, 50/60 Hz, 60 VA Battery: 11.1 V, 5.2 A hour, meets IEC
Battery life
MIT515, MIT525: Typical capacity 6 hours continuous at 5 kV with a 100 MΩ load
MIT1025: Typical capacity 4.5 hours continuous at 10 kV with a 100 MΩ load
Battery charge time: 2.5 hours from deep discharge, 2 hours from normal discharge
MIT1525: Typical capacity 6 hours continuous at 15 kV with a 100 MΩ load
30 min. quick charge: 1-hour operation at 5 kV, 100 MΩ
Test voltages
MIT515, MIT525: 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V, 2500 V,
5000 V
MIT1025: 500 V, 1000 V, 2500 V, 5000 V,
10000 V
User-defined test voltage:
MIT515, MIT525 100 V to 1 kV in 10 V steps, 1 kV to 5 kV in 25 V steps,
MIT1525: 1000 V, 2500 V, 5000 V,
10000 V, 15000 V
MIT1025 5 kV to 10 kV in 25 V steps
MIT1525 10 kV to 15 kV in 25 V steps
Accuracy (23 °C):
MIT1525 < xxx ms/uF to discharge from 15000 V to 50 V
Capacitance ranges 10 nF to 25 μF (dependent on
(above 500 V): measurement voltage) Capacitance accuracy (23 °C): ±10% ±5 nF
Voltage output accuracy +4%, -0%, ±10 V nominal test
voltage (>200 V, 0 °C to 30 °C):
at 1 GΩ
Current measurement range: 0.01 nA to 6 mA Current measurement
accuracy (23 °C): ±5% ±0.2 nA at all voltages Interference (noise) rejection:
MIT515, MIT525 1 mA per 250 V up to a maximum of 3 mA
MIT1025 1 mA per 600 V up a maximum of 3 mA
MIT1525 4 mA
Voltmeter range: 30 V to 660 V ac or dc, 50/60 Hz
Voltmeter accuracy: ±3%, ±3 V
Timer range: Up to 99 minutes, 15-second minimum setting
Memory capacity: 5½ hours continuous logging every 5 s. or 33 logged PI tests
or 350 logged IR tests MIT1525 11 hours continuous logging every 5 s.
Test regimes:
MIT515 IR, IR(t), DAR, PI
MIT525, MIT1025 IR, IR(t), DAR, PI, SV, DD, ramp test
Interface: USB type B (device)
Real time output: USB, 1 reading/second (voltage, current and resistance)