The Omega OS768-LS handheld ir thermometer is theultimate tool for temperaturemeasurement. Accurately verifysurface temperatures with twoof the most reliable temperaturesensors:
• Non-contact micro-machinedthermopile
• Type K thermocouple input(free T/C included)
Such an arrangement can fulfillmost temperature measurementrequirements. The non-contactinfrared measurement is ideal fornon-reachable situations, due tosafety or sanitary reasons—instantreadings, safely and reliably.Or use the thermocouple for highprecision measurement of contactsurfaces, gases, and liquids.The OS768-LS can also helpmeasure emissivity, which is oftendifficult for a user to determine.Use the Type K thermocouplecontact to measure the truetemperature. Then, use the non-contactinfrared to get the surfacetemperature. Adjust the emissivityuntil they are the same, with theoption to use the same emissivitysetting for that object next time.No more guess work, no morelooking up on Emissivity Table.This unit also comes with anultra-long battery life (batteries are included).